Personal Toxicity Profile  

A Comprehensive At-Home Urine Test for 150+ Toxic Chemicals, Environmental Pollutants and Metabolites.

This Toxic Chemicals Exposure Test is the first of its kind, giving you a true picture of your body’s exposure to dangerous chemicals.

Mere parts-per-billion exposure levels to these hazardous chemicals can wreak serious damage on a person over time.


The Personal Toxicology Chemical Profile gives you a complete list of the dangerous man-made chemicals which are in your system.  It is done with a simple at-home urine test kit.

150+ different toxic chemicals are tested focusing Advanced Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS), to Part-Per-Billion results.

These include the major health destroyers phthalates, dioxins, xenobiotics, benzene, xylene, toluene, styrene, vinyl chloride, BPA, Triclosan, Nonylphenol, PFOA’s, PBDE’s, organophosphate pesticides, Glyphosate, parathion, pyrethroid insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, and many more.

See Sample Report here.


FoodPrint® 200+

How does the test work?

The CNS FoodPrint® 200+ service utilizes a new, state of the art immunoassay based on microarray technology to detect food-specific IgG antibodies.

Food extracts are ‘printed’ onto nitrocellulose pads on a glass microscope slide, together with calibration standards and controls. A blood sample provided by the patient is diluted and dispensed onto each printed microarray.  Food IgG antibodies, if present, bind to the food extracts.  The bound food IgG antibodies are subsequently detected through the use of other immunoassay reagents which generate a blue color in the presence of the food IgG antibodies.  The density of this blue color is measured using a high resolution scanner.
The results generated by the scanner are then calibrated against the standards using the FoodPrint® reporting software to give quantitative results.  This software then produces a tailor-made printout of the final food IgG antibody result for each food on the requested food panel.

The FoodPrint® 200+ test is carried out on a blood sample collected from a finger-prick into the CNS heparinised blood collection tube.  The antibody reactivity associated with each food can be compared to allow the practitioner to devise an optimal dietary regime based on food antibody level.The results are given in U/ml.

Sample requirements and test turnaround
A simple pin-prick blood sample is all that’s required.
Results are available within 10 working days of sample receipt.

Choose from a comprehensive range of FoodPrint®  food lists:
The flexibility of the new FoodPrint® test permits a wide range of food panels to be offered.

FoodPrint® Reports
FoodPrint® reports are prepared in a Group format where results from similar types of foods are listed together.

  • The FoodPrint® Group Report presents the results of each food group together (e.g. fish, fruit).

  • Each food is classified under the Avoid, Borderline or No Reaction column.

  • Foods under the Avoid column should be avoided for a period of 2-3 months  after which time they can be re-introduced one by one.

  • Intake of foods in the Borderline category should be moderated.

  • If symptoms return when a particular food is re-introduced, remove that food from the diet.

Heavy Metals & Mineral Balance Analysis

Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals.  With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.

Hair is an excellent biopsy material. It is easy to sample, easily preserved and transported, represents a soft tissue of the body, and is a storage and eliminative tissue.  As hair grows it forms a permanent record of the body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

Benefits of Hair Mineral Analysis

Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals.  With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body.

Hair is an excellent biopsy material. It is easy to sample, easily preserved and transported, represents a soft tissue of the body, and is a storage and eliminative tissue.  As hair grows it forms a permanent record of the body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

This information, along with dietary and nutritional evaluations, will provide the basis for a nutritional balancing program to establish and maintain optimal levels of wellness.   By correcting tissue mineral levels and ratios with proper diet, supplementary nutrients and lifestyle modifications, many physical and behavioral health conditions can be prevented or reversed.

Minerals screened include electrolytes – calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus and trace minerals – copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iron, molybdenum, lithium, cobalt,and zinc.

 Toxic metal screening includes lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum.

A very high reading may represent a toxic amount of the mineral in the hair, and/or in the body tissues in general.  In the case of a toxic metal, any deposition or accumulation in the hair indicates some degree of toxicity.

High levels of toxic metals inhibit the body’s ability to process and assimilate specific nutritional elements that are essential to good health and have a proven link to many types of diseases.

Mercury Tri-Test – Blood & Urine & Hair 

The complete trinity of mercury screenings that determines probable mercury load and type of mercury. This test is highly recommended for people who have or have had dental amalgam fillings or suspect environmental mercury exposure.

For the most complete Mercury Detoxification Protocol, Dr. Cutler’s protocol is a very effective one.

Glyphosate Testing – Urine, Blood, Hair, Breast Milk, Liquid

Glyphosate a.k.a Roundup® contamination is  a big controversy not covered by mainstream news, yet a major health concern for billions of people. 

On March 20, 2015 the World Health Organisation‘s cancer agency IARC declared that Glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. IARC reached its decision based on the view of 17 top cancer experts from 11 countries, who met to assess the carcinogenicity of 5 pesticides.

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. and the world!

The reality is the world’s population is being contaminated by this and other dangerous chemicals without their knowledge or consent, and more and more people are taking notice, with many countries moving to ban it completely.

Glyphosate is prevalent in food and water because 90% of soybeans and 70% of corn grown in North America is Glyphosate resistant GMO.

Mounting evidence implicates Glyphosate in autism, depression, obesity, glandular issue, development problems, and many other ailments.

If you already know about Glyphosate contamination and its effects on your health you’ve probably been waiting a while for this test, well now it’s here.

The best safeguard against being Glyphosate poisoned is an organic diet, but even so, often times organic crops get contaminated by poison sprays from nearby fields. And glyphosate is used as a preservative as well and sprayed on many foods we believe to be safe.  The best solution is to get tested and find out if you are one of the large percentage of North Americans that have been poisoned by this herbicide without their knowledge.

Environmental poisoning is a reality.  If you find out that you have been exposed, then take action, start with a 30 day detox protocol, and remediate the toxic chemicals out of your body.  

You can test urine, blood, breast milk and other liquids.  Be informed; keep you and your family safe. 

Cortisol Stress Test – Hair

Cortisol Levels in Hair as a Measure of Stress and Their Linkage to Heart Attacks (Acute Myocardial Infarction) and Stress Related Disease.

Corticosterone (C21H30O, Kendall’s Compound B) is a glucocorticoid secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland in response to the stimulation by adrenocorticotropic hormone. Corticosterone is a major indicator of stress in non-human mammals. Glucocorticoids, such as corticosterone, guide fundamental processes associated with converting sugar, fat, and protein stores to useable energy; inhibiting swelling and inflammation; and suppressing immune responses following a stress event.

Corticosterone regulates energy metabolism and the response to stress, aimed at maintaining homeostasis by controlling the stress response system sensitivity and by facilitation of homeostasis after a stress-induced disturbance action linked to G proteins (8). Corticosterone has a pleiotropic action and induces multiple changes in peripheral responses that indirectly influence brain function. This has been shown for responses of the immune system and the cardiovascular system and after corticosterone-induced changes in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism.

Cortisol & the Burn Out Syndrome

Recent studies show that cortisol levels are an indicator of ‘burn out levels’. Burnout reduces cortisol levels below the normal range, meaning people do not react adequately to testing situations. Further, people feeling burnout are often diagnosed as depressed and given anti-depressants which further lower the cortisol level. A saliva test for cortisol gives a short term window, but the DetoxLab hair test provides a meaningful ninety day perspective on cortisol levels.
