A Brief summary of Gold Use for the Skin

A Brief summary of Gold Use for the Skin


Nano and monatomic elements (also called M-state) is a class of physically distinct atomic mineral substances that are unique forms of matter that appear to be closer to the state of aether or vacuum or pure energy than normal matter such as the common mineral and atomic compounds found on Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table of the Elements.

Nano and monatomic atoms or minerals are a chemically identified separate class of substances, just like the halogens or the metals, except that M-State atoms do not find placement on the two-dimensional Periodic Table of the Elements. M-State elements appear to be isolated or micro-cluster bits of atomic materials that are closer, as previously mentioned, to the pure energy state of the vacuum (aether or zero point). M-State elements can have the visible appearance (when isolated and dried) of silicon-like, ceramic powdery substances.

Monatomic gold is clearly an extraordinary healing agent as glimpsed by its historical usage by ancient civilizations, powerful curative properties in alchemy and other unique healing qualities advanced by Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.1-2

Numerous modern scientific studies validate the therapeutic properties of applying topical monatomic gold for skin rejuvenation, skin repair, as well as oral administration of monatomic gold for a variety of benefits. 

Many are familiar with the benefits of gold for skin rejuvenation. Cleopatra is reported to have undergone a procedure similar to one currently being offered by various plastic surgeons. Tiny gold nano-wires are inserted under the skin of the face and over a six month period the gold ions slowly released into the skin to combat wrinkles.  But this is extreme.  All you need for the same effect is monatomic gold which will absorb into the epidermis and help restore collagen and elastin just as easily.

The benefits include tightening of the pores, smoother skin, stimulation of collagen and elastic tissue.  It actually helps to repair your DNA, and you look younger.   

Nano gold possesses properties that could explain the physiological effects of Pana Gold. Gold is an excellent reflector of near infrared radiations (NIR).3-5 Cells transmit, receive, and act upon signals of NIR in predictable manners. Properly located in the cells near transmitters (still unknown) and receivers (centrosomes) of NIR, nano gold with small particle sizes (less than 10 nm) could act as wide angle diffusers of NIR signals. Since spatial coherence of electromagnetic signals is required for cellular recognition,6,7 wide angle diffusers would favor spatial coherence of NIR signals by reaching the whole circumference of neighboring cells at the same time. Intercellular exchange of information would be increased.  Ormus Gold is below 1nm in size.

Very low radiant exposure of NIR has profound effects on cellular functions: improvement of wound healing;8,9 increase of collagen synthesis in human skin fibroblast;10 enhancement of oxidative metabolism in phagocytes;11and proliferation of macrophages.12 The stimulating effect of nano particle gold via NIR on collagen synthesis could explain its rejuvenating effect. Small gold colloids (less than 10 nm) could serve as carriers of signal molecules between cells and between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, increasing intercellular and nuclear cytoplasm exchange of information, stimulating M-RNA synthesis, even in non-proliferating cells since the nuclear pore sizes in confluent cells are large enough to allow passage of these nanocolloids.13,14

The cardiotonic effect of gold nanocolloids could be due to the smaller particles (less than 6 nm) which are able to penetrate inside the mitochondria and nucleus of the cardiac myocytes. Salnikov, et al,15  reported in 2007, that in isolated rat ventricular myocytes, only gold nanocolloids of 3-nm diameter could penetrate inside the nucleus and the mitochondria whereas particles of 6 nm could cross the cell membrane and concentrate in the cytosol but not in the mitochondria and nucleus of ventricular myocytes. The effect of small gold particles on mitochondrial synthesis of ATP could explain their cardiotonic effect.

List of Other Potential Uses for Ormus Gold.

  • Anti aging
  • Joint pain relief and health
  • Weight management
  • Circulatory health
  • Nerve regeneration
  • Body metabolism stabilization
  • Calming of the disposition
  • Used as a cure of dipsomania (uncontrollable craving for alcoholic liquors.)
  • Nerve Regeneration and maintenance
  • Healthy gland function
  • Harmonizes the nervous system
  • Studies showing increases in IQ
  • Diminishes rheumatoid arthritis
  • Helps rejuvenate the glands
  • Important stabilizer of collagen
  • Helps in blood pressure stabilization

1) Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies (Lashmi Chandra Mishra)

2)The Early History of Catalysis by Gold (Geoffrey Bond)

3) Albrecht-Buehler G. “Rudimentary form of cellular ‘vision.'” Proc Natl Acad Sci, 1992; 89:8288-8292.
4) Albrecht-Buehler G. “Cellular infrared detector appears to be contained in the centrosome.” Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton, 1994; 27:262-271.
5) Albrecht-Buehler G. “Changes of cell behavior by near-infrared signals.” Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 1995; 32:299-304.
6) Litovitz TA, Mullins JM, et al. “Effect of coherence time of the applied magnetic field on ornithine decarboxylase activity.” Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 1991; 178:862-865.
7) Litovitz TA, Krause D, et al. “Simultaneous applications of a spatially coherent noise field blocks the response of cell cultures to a 60 Hz electromagnetic field.” In: Blank M Electricity and Magnesium in Biology and Medicine. San Francisco Press Inc, 1993.
8) El Sayed SO and Dyson M. “Comparison of the effect of multiwavelength light produced by a cluster of simiconductor diodes and of each individual diode on mast cell number and degranulation in intact and injured skin.” Lasers in Surgery, 1990; 10:559.
9) Longo L, Evangelista S, et al. “Effect of diode laser silver arsenide-aluminum (GA-AL-AS) 904 NM on healing of experimental wounds.” Laser Surgery Medicine, 1987; 7:444.
10) LAM TS, Abergel CA, et al. “Laser stimulation of collagen synthesis in human skin fibroblast cultures.” Laser Life Science, 1986; 1:61.
11) Karu T, Andrelchuk T, et al. “Changes in oxidative metabolism of murine spleen following laser and superluminous diode (550- 950 nm) irradiation: Effects of cellular composition and radiation parameters.” Laser in Surgery and Medicine, 1993; 13:453.
12) Young S, Bolton P, et al. “Macrophage responsiveness to light therapy.” Laser in Surgery and Medicine, 1989; 9:497.
13) Feldherr C and Akin D. “The permeability of nuclear envelope in dividing and nondividing cell cultures.” J Cell Biol, 1990; 111:1-8.
14) Feldherr C and Akin D. “Signal-mediated nuclear transport in proliferating and growth-arrested BABB/c 3T3 cells.” J Cell Biol, 1991; 115:933-939.
15) Zhao Z, Wakita T, et al. “Inoculation of plasmids encoding Japanese encephalitis virus PrM-E proteins with colloidal gold elicits a protective immune response in BALB/c mice.” Journal Virol, 2003; 77:4248-4260.
