In 2007, the World Health Organization estimated that over 30% of the world’s population (2 billion people) had insufficient iodine intake as measured by urinary iodine excretion.
Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in the front of your neck, just below the Adam’s Apple equivalent in males.
The thyroid is the largest gland in the endocrine system.
It regulates Iodine delivery to all organs and cells.
The three major compounds produced by the thyroid are:
Triiodothyronine: (T3), can be made by other tissues with T4.
Thyroxine: (T4) which has a higher concentration than T3 and is used throughout the body to deliver iodine.
Calcitonin: regulates calcium uptake, works with parathyroid gland, which takes calcium from your bones when you don’t have enough, and can’t take excess calcium out of your blood if it is not firing.
The Thyroid is Ruled by the Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland produces Thyrotropin (TSH), this tells the thyroid to make T4. T4 means 4 iodines attached, and this the primary iodine delivery molecule within your body.
Problematic Conditions
Hypothyroidism, (low thyroid activity), symptoms: always cold, tired, weight gain.
Hyperthyroidism, (too much thyroid activity), symptoms: unusual weight loss, hot flashes.
Hashimoto’s disease: (hypothyroidism) symptoms: chronic inflammation of thyroid.
Graves disease: (hyperthyroidism) autoimmune issue where healthy thyroid is attacked by immune system.
Enemies of Thyroid
Mercury, Fluorine, Bromine. These bind to iodine receptors, keeping iodine from absorbing, and they are hard to break off once they are in there creating a potential cascade of issues.
Common Causes of Thyroid Issues
- Microbiome and absorption issues in your G.I. tract. If you’re beneficial flora are compromised. If the gallbladder and brunner’s gland are not working properly, if your intestinal lining has been compromised, this will lead to malabsorption, inflammation, and nutrient deficiency.
- Heavy metal poisoning from food, environmental exposure and dental amalgam. Your thyroid runs on and regulates iodine. Fluorine, mercury and other heavy metals block the ability for iodine to be taken up by the thyroid, which is bad news. If this is the case you need to open those channels and then correct the deficiency.
- A High-phosphate diet is detrimental to optimal health. Studies have shown that improper calcium to phosphate ratio over time will calcify the pituitary gland and dehydrate the cells creating a cascade of deficiencies. The proper ratio for calcium to phosphate is 5:2, with most diets being grossly inadequate.
- Selenium deficiency. Iodine is necessary for T4, but dietary selenium is essential for T3 production in the liver, intestines, kidneys and lungs. T3 is 3x more potent than T4.
Natural Sources of Iodine
Sea minerals: wet sea salt, deep salt water extracts.
Sea weeds: dulse, nori, kelp, marine phytoplanktons
Vegetables: Dark leafy greens such as collard, spinach, mustard, purslane, dandelion.
Natural Sources of Selenium
Brazil Nuts: 1/2 oz. contains a whopping 268 mcg, 479% of daily requirement and 95 calories.
Seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax):
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds contains 19mcg of selenium, for 34% of daily requirement and 204 calories.
1/4 cup of sesame seeds contains 12mcg of selenium, for 23% of daily requirement and 206 calories.
2 tsp. of flaxseed contains 4mcg of selenium, for 7% daily requirement and 75 calories.
Broccoli: 1 cup broccoli contains 2.5 mcg 4% of DRI and 55 calories.
Daily Recommended Dosage
12.5 mg – 50mg per day, according to Dr. Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders.
Dr. Brownstein also states: “it is impossible to treat thyroid illness if there is an inadequate level of iodine in the body and this includes autoimmune thyroid disorders.”
Other Vital Elements for Thyroid
Selenium: There is more selenium in the thyroid than anywhere else in the body.
Food sources include blue corn, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and a wide assortment of culinary mushrooms.
Nitric Oxide: a gas produced by mouth and gut bacteria. This is vital to many processes in your body, from the pumping of blood to thyroid function.
Iron: Iron Peroxidase is an enzyme that is needed to make thyroid hormones. If you have iron related deficiencies, keep an extra keen eye on your thyroid.
Know Your Basal Body Temperature!
To get an accurate reading you must use a basal thermometer, which is sensitive enough to measure minute changes in temperature. Take your temperature under the arm for ten minutes first thing in the morning before you even sit up from bed. Do it for every day for a week to get an accurate reading. Body temperature must be 98.6F; the lower it is the harder it is for enzymes to function in the body.
This is absolutely huge, because if you chronically run a low body temperature, that is your silent killer.
Tools for Self Diagnosis:
Blood Test: Comprehensive thyroid panel, you can order one here.
You can also see if you are iodine deficient with an Iodine Plasma Blood Test.
A simple Nitric Oxide Test Kit is a cheap essential tool for diagnosis.
Thyroid Support Essentials:
Lancet. 2008 Jul 12;372(9633):88.
Biochimie. 1999 May;81(5):527-33.
Thyroid. 2002 Oct;12(10):867-78.
Phytomedicine. 2009 Jun;16(6-7):617-22.
Thyroid Stress and adrenals, Dr. John Bergman
© Detox Lab 2018